Monday, July 03, 2006

Musings on technology

They seek her here......
Feralmb is away on leave, but you wouldn’t know it! She has discovered “delayed email” with a vengeance! I have received 4 emails from her so far reminding us to do things while she is away. She is not even here and she haunts me. I hope she is enjoying her warm fire.....*-)

We have recently had our online printer placed on the same network as the ones at the big city branch, and this is the cause of some of their files going missing as our “new to this technology” students print other peoples work by mistake. Thankfully this doesn’t happen very often.

Most of us have given up on our fax completely, it’s a smaller ‘older technology” fax, (you know the type...carbon on a roll etc.) and since the phones have been switched over to a ‘new’ (not sure, don’t ask) network, it has been giving as many errors as pages we send. The only things that seem to get through alright are advertising spams! lol.

Thank goodness for the scanner that the IT angels have set up for us, it is easy to use and as we send a lot of document requests it is working out very economical. We all now regularly scan documents, and attach them to emails. This is a big plus working 600kms from the sea.

Feralsmc and I have been introduced to an aggregator (thanks exFeralkf) a while ago, for our “blogs of choice” and I am now finding it very helpful, I can check my favourites very quickly each day.
Our comic is still “Unshelved” This provides many laughs on library subjects….todays being the “lost property box” and selling the residual items on ’Ebay’. Lol.

Sadly we still don’t have ‘wi-fi’ in the library, we have the boxes on the wall and they blink lights at us, but someone has yet to turn them on so the students can use it! (its only been 7 months now…. Desert ferals have much patience….. obiwan)

Well that’s all for now. Feraltb.


flexnib said...

If it's any consolation, when we had wireless installed (at a site which shall remain nameless ;) ), it took months for the blinking box to be properly switched on too.. and some of our more tech-savvy clients would come in, point at the box and demand to know why we were walking the walk but not talking the talk, so to speak.. it was a bit trying...

Kathryn Greenhill said...

Thanks for unearthing "Unshelved" for me. I've added it to my MULTA website for my Big Branch librarians to enjoy. I had to embed the feed in my page with HTML they gave, and then email them to let them know I'd done it. Fair enough too.

flexnib said...

Or is that talking but not walking... *sigh*

(Now you know why I usually avoid telling jokes - darn you punchlines!!)

Sirexcat have you got the feeds for Dilbert and Calvin and Hobbes as well? I much prefer getting cartoons in RSS - more stuff to keep out of my email!

Kalgrl said...

Hey CW, it seems the wi-fi will get here eventually, I'm not sure if the clients will give up before then though *-) Thanks for walking the talk......
Sirexcat I'm glad you like "unshelved" it is a moment of common laughter for us each day..Todays is a classic with 'Dewey" delivering library services to a nudist

flexnib said...

Unshelved is very funny. I like it when Colleen started blogging and got completely obsessed... ;)