Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Library Fairy Tales

In my KM unit we were discussing it in the context of a Fairy tale, "The Emperor's New Clothes" and I wondered if other aspects of what I was studying could be likened to a fairy tale, collection management or one aspect of it....

Little Collection Management policy....
There once was a little collection development policy, who thought she would wander off and join a consortium to ease her budgetary concerns. She was a bit afraid of letting others help decide what she could have in her basket, but knew that this course of action would ease the problems of her dependants. Taking her basket with her to gather the new resources she went down the path of co-operation. Little did she and the consortium know that the big bad aggregator/vendor saw that he could take advantage of the consortium and decided to hide at the publishers dressed in other clothes until the door opened. He jumped out to grab their contributions, using embargoes and other technical problems to make it hard for the consortium to tell the good useful information from the bad and how much the fees were. Thankfully a kind e-journal distributor just happened along and helped them to escape...putting his prices up on the way.

Moral of the story: Make sure you know who you are dealing with.


“Hot desert hot books
Study is nearly ended
Exam stress rules OK!”


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