Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Jury Duty.......

First day, turn up....get a number...wait...
...see video on how the court works...jury is chosen...
I was sure I wouldn't get picked the second time round, I did this a couple of years ago....was I wrong, YES!
It is amazing how many people will 'helpfully' give you ideas on how to 'get out of Jury duty'. I believe we were, on the first day privvy to a few of them, e.g....the person who stood up after being picked and said the defendant was guilty, no matter what (Even after the judge had gently reminded her we hadn't tried the case as yet)...she was excused...the person who didn't remember she even had a number, or what it was...she was excused...the person who said he knew the witnesses...he was excused, and so on, until the Judge had picked 14 of us for the jury (in case someone was unable to continue, he had a couple of spares:-). (The other, rather large amount of people who didn't turn up, will be fined...)
To quote the Department of the Attorney General"Jury service is a vital component of civic participation in our democracy. For many people, this is the most direct contact they will have with this important community function. It involves giving time and effort. It also provides a positive appreciation of the court system and a direct opportunity to learn how the justice system works."
So far I agree with the statement, however it is a long and sometimes tedious, yet facinating process and...I can't talk about it until next week...bye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have another way - My medication may cause me to halucinate but I'll be fine for a couple of days.