Today I worked, yes I know it is Sunday, however the ten students waiting for me to open the library door were very grateful!
I left it late to leave the house because I was having so much fun clearing out areas of accumulated 'stuff'. (yeah right) Things that we no longer needed, and possibly never did...
...because of this, I had toast for lunch (you know..quick) and that got me thinking of a friend I had years ago. She was the niece of a friend of my fathers and he brought her out from Hungary to live with him and his wife (from New Zealand) in a mining town in Western Australia. (Thats one of the side bennys of living as a mining brat, you get to meet an amazing diversity of people, experience different cultures and learn from them...but I digress...)
As we got to know each other she would ask me in 'hugarian english' about various aspect of our life that puzzled her. One was, Why did I put two things on bread?. I asked her what she meant and she said, two things, why not just butter or jam, why both? I really hadn't thought about it before that moment and to be honest not much since. But now with people changing the ways they think about things, it made me realise, I still put two things on bread, when only one would probably be enough.
That lead me to remembering a conversation with a colleague recently who said she had made a decision to not buy new clothes for a year, and another who had changed her whole diet to feel and live better, and others that are recycling with a passion I haven't seen for anything else lately, except possibly 'Captain Jack'... but I digress again...
So I have made a decision to in a sense, stop putting two things on bread (figuratively speaking) when only one will do...
bye for now.....FeralTB
(busy recycling my notes from the units I studied the past two years... taking back the books I am not reading to the Library and just having butter :-)
Can you have three things on toast?
But you'll be missing out on vegemite and avocado om toast - one of my faves!!
Hi sputty, haven't tried that one...mmm maybe (resolve weakening already)lol.
3 things? yes, but they fall off a lot...TB-)
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