Thursday, January 01, 2009

First lines 2008

I have been looking back over my blog for the past year and have listed first lines from the first post from each month, It gave me the impetus to re-read some of my thoughts and besides the cringing :o} I remembered a lot about the year from each entry. Here 'tis, {+ some new comments from me...}

Well it was a long 4 days, with the last day of deliberations ending at 4.45pm. {jury duty}
Wishing I was somehow at VALA, Wishing I could sit in on a brilliant paper. {thoughts aloud as to why conferences don't have online components you can pay to attend??}
Are you relevant? Have a look at this video. {mmmm..??}
Today I worked, yes I know it is Sunday, however the ten students waiting for me to open the library door were very grateful! {working on weekends}
I was pondering on the fact feminine hygiene products attract GST but condoms don't??
The 106 books most often marked as “unread” by LibraryThing’s users.
I was/am very excited to be going to the Library Unconference, Library 2.0 and beyond: getting our hands dirty, in Perth Western Australia in August... {calm down grl lol}
Just quickly, I highly recommend you read this post and look at the attached video's....
I saw a lot of buzz in the last couple of weeks on 'Clickers", around MPOW.
Can't find a reason to blog at the moment... {tired I think}
I am pretty sure the only 'rule' he didn't break was using a mobile phone... {funny library rules vid}
Cool, from TypoGenerator.

Roll on 2009 kalgrl :o))

Idea from Librarians Matter

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